Monday, October 25, 2010

Pumpkin Farm (Part 1)

 Elliott is waking up from her nap....but I wanted to post these for yall to see. I'm hoping to do an update later with more pics.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Elliott's 1st Bike Ride

Uncle Ray was lucky enough to get last Thursday off, and it was a GORGEOUS day! So, Trish and I packed up our kiddos and met him at the park so he could do some little mini tester rides with them in the trailor behind his bike. Trish and I loved going on rides and taking all our babies with us when we were little (see above). So I was excited for Elliott to get to start in on the tradition. First was the helmet experience, Elliott is not a fan. Then we loaded Elliott and LD in the trailor for her first ride ever....she made it almost 3 laps before deciding that she was done. We swapped Elliott with Grayson and Dad took the boys for about 15 minutes. Grayson loves it...LD is undecided. All in all a pretty successful outing, and one we hope the kids continue to like more and more.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Elliott Update

So, I went back and noticed that I've posted mainly pictures lately and while I know it's fun to watch our Punkindoodle grow, it might also be fun to know how she's growing! So this post is pictureless...focusing on Elliott's recent achievements.  She is 15 months old now and turning into quite a character. She's never been a quiet child, but now walks around most of the day gibbering about who knows what.  She says Momma, Daddy, Milk, More, Book, Boob, Bird, Dog, Cheese, Mar Mar, No No, Duck, Bath, Again, and a few more words pretty clear...she said Boogie, Poop, and Medicine last week, but I haven't heard them since. She can tell you what a couple of the animals say too. She loves her books and starts most days reading them. She is starting to have a little bit of a schedule...wakes up around 8am, if she naps it's usually around 2pm for anywhere from 30min to 2hrs, and she goes to bed close to 11pm. She still isn't in her own bed, but she's getting better. She falls asleep in bed with us and then we move her to the pack n play in our room...some nights she'll sleep there until 4 or 5am, but mostly she moves back into bed with us after just a couple of hours. She loves the outside and we try to take a trip to the zoo at least once a week (we have passes and it's a great place to walk around safely).  She thinks her Daddy is the funniest person alive (but so does Momma) and loves to give kisses.  It's so fun watching her start to figure things out. She loves jewelry and purses, putting things in and taking them out will entertain her for a while...although nothing entertains her for long. She's recently really started having fun with her cousins (Grayson and LD), she's starting to play with them and laugh at what they do, not just play near them.  She's super active and FAST...she likes to get into things and gets offended if you tell her 'no'...telling her 'no' can cause her to have a meltdown. Once she starts crying she only wants Momma. She's a good little eater, I'm picky and give her mostly organic foods...and she hasn't had meat yet. I don't know if I'll keep her vegetarian or not, but with her tummy issues I don't want to introduce something that is harder to digest. She loves her fruits and veggies though, and eats more than enough of a variety to get all the nutirents she needs. (At the last Dr. visit she was still in the 75%). So, our very diffcult baby is a happy toddler, still high maintenance, but loads of fun. People ask us constantly about when #2 will be coming, and I think they expect us to not want more for a while (if at all)  because of my issues during pregnancy and then Elliott's issues as a baby, but we plan on adding to our family in a couple of years (ideally Elliott will be potty trained and starting pre-school before baby #2 arrives). In the meantime, we are LOVING watching our Punkindoodle get bigger and smarter, and full of personality.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Little Help From Our Friends?

I'm thinking of submitting Elliott into the 2010 Gap Baby Casting can only submit 5 pictures (or so I've heard). I don't know which 5 to pick (and you can't use professional pics) please comment with your votes...or if you have one that you think is better, send it my way!!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Trying out some things...

So, now that I'm trying to blog more, I decided I needed to start getting with the times (i.e. using picnik for my photo uploads).  Since I don't have the CD of Elliott's 1 year photo's and party, I figured I'd post some of her 9 months....LOVE LOVE LOVE Nine Photography!!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

I'm a terrible blogger....

I've been trying to get Chad to make posts since Elliott was born (he's way funnier), but since that hasn't happened yet I've decided that I need to do it myself and yall will just have to be bored.  With that said, Elliott just woke up from her nap, so blogging will have to wait. I'll aim to post weekly, or every two weeks....or when I get a chance.